History of The Patent Law

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History of The Patent Law
The State's protection of a person's right to utilize and control the utilization of an invention, be it a machine or a unique method of production, was not prevalent until the Renaissance period. As a result, in the Middle Ages, one
would have had to hide the fact that one had invented a novel product in order to keep it. This lack of protection from the state has been attributed to rigid social structures and hierarchies that ignored the talent of the individual inventor.

The State's protection of a person's right⧸to utilize and control the utilization of an invention,⧸be it a machine or a unique method of production,⧸was not prevalent⧸until the Renaissance period.
국가의 보호는 개인의 권리에 대한 사용하고 통제하는 발명의 활용을.⧸그것이 기계이든 독자적인 방법이든,⧸일반적이지 않았다⧸르네상스 시기까지
As a result,⧸in the Middle Ages,⧸one would have had to hide the fact⧸that one had invented a novel product⧸in order to keep it.
결과적으로,⧸중세 시대에서는,⧸발명가들은 숨겨야만 했을 것이다 그 사실을⧸발명했다 새로운 제품을⧸유지하기 위해서는 그것을
This lack of protection⧸from the state⧸has been attributed to/rigid social structures⧸and hierarchies⧸that ignored the talent⧸of the individual inventor.
보호 부족은⧸국가로부터⧸탓이었다⧸엄격한 사회구조와 지배층⧸무시했다 재능을⧸개인 발명가의
1. Expression Test  

Patent Law
as a result
in order to+R
been attributed to

2. Comprehension Test

What does the word it refer?

(A) individual
(B) state
(C) idea
(D) inventiorn
Which of the following is true about the Renaissance period?

(A) There were many more talented inventors worth protecting in the Renaissance period
(B) During the Renaissance period people started to recognize the importance of the talent and achievements of the individual.
(C) Because of rigid structures and hierarchies of the Renaissance period, people decided to utilize more inventions.
(D) Talented inventors of the Renaissance period wereeager to share their novel products.
신성찬 기자 singlerider@busaneconomy.com

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