Identifying Playful Behavior in Children

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3.  Expression Test
     Comprehension Test

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Identifying Playful Behavior in Children


Play, usually associated with children, comes in many forms in both humans and other animals. Even with such prevalence, its definition function and forms are often misunderstood. This may be because play evolves both with age and over time. For example, most people recognize that a toddler's frolicking is play, but not that engaging in sport activities by adults is another form. Moreover, the way play has changed over time is also ignored. One such major change is the decrease in usage of imagination since computers and video games have begun to create virtual worlds for children, when compared to the past when they had only wooden toys and dolls with which to play. With such major changes happening, one cannot predict what form it will take next only that it will continue to exist. Due to between playful and nonplayful behaviors, sociologists have continuously tried to form a complete definition of play: the functional, the structural, and the criterion approaches.
◆직독직해 ◆ 

Play, /usually associated with children, /comes in many forms /in both humans and other animals.
놀이는, /일반적으로 연관이 있는 아이들과, /나온다 많은 형태에서 /인간들 그리고 다른 동물들 모두
Even with such prevalence, /its definition, function and forms /are often misunderstood.
불구하고 그렇게 널리 퍼져있음에도, /그것의 정의, 기능 그리고 형태는 /종종 잘못 이해되고 있다
This may be because /play evolves /both with age and over time.
이것은 아마도 때문일 지도 모른다 /놀이는 진화한다 /나이와 시간의 흐름과 함께 모두
For example, /most people recognize /that a toddler's frolicking is play, /but not /that engaging in sport activities by adults /is another form.
예를 들면, /대부분의 사람들은 여긴다 /유아들의 장난을 놀이이다, /그러나 여기지 않는다 /참여하는 것 스포츠 활동에 어른들에 의해 /다른 형태의 놀이이다.
Moreover, /the way /play has changed over time /is also ignored.
게다가, /방식 놀이는 변해왔다 시간이 지남에 따라/역시 무시되고 있다
One such major change /is the decrease /in usage of imagination /since computers and video games /have begun to create virtual worlds for children,/ when compared to the past /when they had only wooden toys and dolls /with which to play.
한 가지 그런 중요한 변화/ 감소이다 /사용이 상상력의 /왜냐하면 컴퓨터와 비디오 게임들이/ 만들어 주길 시작해왔다 가상현실을 아이들에게, /과거와 비교해 볼 때 /그들은 가졌다 단지 나무 장난감들과 인형들을 /그것들과 함께 놀던
With such major changes happening, /one cannot predict /what form it will take next, only that it will continue to exist.
그런 주요한 변화들이 일어나서, /아무도 예상할 수 없다 /어떤 형태들이 형성될 것이다 향후, /단지 계속될 것이다 존재하는 것이
Due to between playful and nonplayful behaviors, /sociologists have continuously tried to form a complete definition of play: the functional, the structural, and the criterion approaches.
때문에 유희적 그리고 비 유희적인 행동들, /사회학자들은 계속해서 노력했다 만들기를 완벽한 정의를 놀이의: /기능 ,구조, 그리고 기준 접근법들
 1. Expression Test  

►associated with
►compared to
►due to

2. Comprehension Test  

►According to paragraph, all of the following statements are true of playful behavior EXCEPT
(A) Members of species other than humans also partake in playful behavior.
(B) Children today are less obliged to use their imagination in play because of technology.
(C) Wooden toys are no longer played with, because only video games are considered to be funplaythings now
(D) Although their perception of play is different from that of children, adults also enjoy playful behavior
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