The Hydrogen Economy

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1. 가능한 한 세부적으로 나눈 직독직해

2. 중요 Expression은 고딕체로 강조

3.  Expression Test
     Comprehension Test

4. Comprehension Test 해설이 필요하거나 궁금한 사항은 singlerider@busaneconomy.com로 문의(24시간 이내 답변



The Hydrogen Economy
Oil was in the depths of the planet for millions of years before man found a use for it in the internal combustion engine. Unfortunately, this combination of resource and technology is so entrenched in man‘s way of life that it scarcely seems possible even to imagine a day when people may no longer be dependent on oil. One of the great fears is that Earth’s supply of oil is finite and the tank will one day run dry. In addition, oil and the pollutants it causes are choking the life from in the planet. However, the day when people no longer depend totally on oil may be in sight thanks to the recent development of the hydrogen fuel cell and practical applications for it.
◆ 직독직해 ◆

Oil was in the depths of the planet /for millions of years /before man found a use for it /in the internal combustion engine.
석유는 지구 깊숙한 곳에 존재했었다 /수백만 년 동안 /전에 인류가 찾았다 사용 그것을 /내연기관에.
Unfortunately, /this combination of resource and technology /is so entrenched in man‘s way of life /that it scarcely seems possible /even to imagine a day /when people may no longer be dependent on oil.
불운하게도, /이 결합물 자원과 기술력의 결합물은 /너무 확고하게 자리 잡아 인간의 삶의 방식에 /그것은 거의 가능하지 않게 보인다 /심지어 상상하는 것조차도 날을 /사람들이  절대 의존하지 않는 때 석유에
One of the great fears is that Earth’s supply of oil is finite and the tank will one day run dry.
가장 큰 두려움 중의 하나는 지구의 석유공급량이 유한하다 그리고 저장고가 언젠가 말라 버릴 것이다.
In addition, oil /and the pollutants it causes /are choking the life from in the planet.
게다가, /석유와 /오염물질 그것이 유발하는 /목 조르고 있다 지구상에 있는 생명체를
However, /the day when people no longer depend totally on oil /may be in sight thanks to /the recent development /of the hydrogen fuel cell and practical applications for it.
하지만, 날 사람들이 더 이상 전적으로 의존하지 않는다 석유에 /보일 지도 모른다 /덕분에 /최근의 개발 /수소 연료 전지 개발과 실용적인 응용 기술 덕분에
1. Expression Test
▶in the depths of
▶internal combustion engine
▶no longer
▶be dependent on
▶one day
▶run dry
▶In addition
▶in sight
2. Comprehension Test
▶The word entrenched in the passage is closest in meaning to

(A) desirable
(B) enhanced
(C) established
(D) needed
▶The author mentions all of the following points about oil in paragraph EXCEPT
(A) People have an overly developed dependence on using it.
(B) People have replaced the use of oil with that of hydrogen
(C) People may not be able to rely upon using oil forever.
(D) Oil is a major cause of the world‘s environmental problems
 신성찬 기자

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