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1. 가능한 한 세부적으로 나눈 직독직해

2. 중요 Expression은 고딕체로 강조

3.  Expression Test
     Comprehension Test
     Review of the Original

4. Comprehension Test 해설이 필요하거나 궁금한 사항은 singlerider@busaneconomy.com로 문의(24시간 이내 답변



A lineage refers to a group of people who can show they are all related to one another through a common ancestor. It can always be proven that its members share blood ties. Sometimes, groups of people will claim a common05 ancestor but be unable to prove the connection either because the claims are rooted more in myth than in fact or because the common ancestor is believed to have existed before the advent of written records within those groups cultures. Such groups are not considered lineages but clans. Lineages can be calculated in several different ways. Historically, the most common, especially in the West, has been to trace a person‘s ancestry back through the father’s line.【신성찬 기자와 함께 TOEFL READING 즐기기】2018년 4월 30일

This is known as a patrilineal system of descent Some other cultures, most notably several Native American tribes, trace a person‘s ancestry back through the mother’s line, which is known as a matrilineal system of descent. Occasionally, a culture traces a person‘s lineage through both matrilineal and patrilineal lines. This is referred to as a bilineal system of descent. In these societies, both male20 and female lines are considered equally valid; however a person must decide with which group of relatives he or she most wants to be identified. Finally, it is possible for a culture to allow members to use either matrilineal or patrilineal lines of descent, but not both
This is known as a patrilineal system of descent.
이것은 알려져 있다 부계의 조직으로 혈통
Some other cultures, /most notably several Native American tribes, /trace a person‘s ancestry back /through the mother’s line, /which is known as /a matrilineal system of descent.
일부 다른 문화들, /가장 두드러지는 몇 몇 아메리카 원주민 부족들은, /거슬러 올라간다 사람의 조상으로 /어머니 쪽을 통해, /그것은 알려져 있다 /모계의 조직으로 혈통의.
Occasionally, /a culture traces a person‘s lineage /through both matrilineal and patrilineal lines.
때때로, /문화는 따라간다 사람의 혈통을 /부계와 모계를 모두를 통해
This is referred to /as a bilineal system /of descent.
이것은 일컬어진다 /양계의 조직으로 /혈통의
In these societies, /both male and female lines are considered /equally valid; /however a person must decide /with which group of relatives /he or she most wants to be identified.
이들 사회에서는, /남성계과 여성계 둘다 간주된다 동등하게 법적인; /그러나 개인은 결정해야 한다 /어느 쪽 친척 집단을 /그나 그녀는 가장 원한다 동일시되기
Finally, /it is possible for a culture /to allow members to use /either matrilineal or patrilineal lines of descent, /but not both.
마지막으로, /그것은 가능하다 /문화가 허락한다 구성원들이 사용하도록 /모계 혹은 부계 혈통의, /그러나 양쪽 다는 아니다
1. Expression Test
▶most notably
▶trace back
▶ bilineal
▶ identify

2. Comprehension Test

▶The word descent in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) fall
(B) degeneration
(C) ancestry
(D) slope
신성찬 기자

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